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INDIVIDUAL:  in-person and zoom


GROUP: in-person and zoom




OPEN TO ALL CLASS: open to anyone who wants to practice yoga and/or receive support

in recovery. Approved For 61st District Court Sobriety Court and Drug Treatment Court

Participants. On hold until space becomes available.


Class price is covered for only 61st District Court clients who are in Drug Treatment Court

or Sobriety Court. 




Lindsay Belcastro  |  FOUNDER  



Email for pricing

 "Namaste, May we all stay sober in our own way!"​                                                                                                       


Wondering "Why Yoga?" ⬅ Click Here


We are interested in partnering with you! We are always seeking out

to expand class offerings and help more people together


Please contact for either of the following:


HOST PARTNERSHIP: partner with RIY and add a class to your organization


CLASS SPONSORSHIP: partner with RIY and sponsor a class


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